Middle East peace process (provisional translation)

US Secretary of State, seek a solution to the search for Middle East ...

Middle East peace process (provisional translation) Condoleezza Rice (Condoleezza Rice) US Secretary of State the day, called on Arab countries to thoroughly explore ways towards peace negotiations resume with Israel. Rice, but visit in the Middle East to consult with Mahmoud Abbas (Mahmud Abbas) chairman and Israel of Efudoorumeruto (Ehud Olmert) Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, we have continued the confrontation, Palestinian negotiations with Israel in the United States It is seeking to apply pressure in order to stick to the field. Prime Minister Olmert, while accuse Abbas is not in compliance with the peace agreement, a close aide of Abbas, has been criticized Israel is avoiding negotiations. After meeting with Hosni Mubarak (Hosni Mubarak) president that was held in the southern Aswan (Aswan), Rice [in order to put an end to the conflict between Israel and Palestine, thoroughly exploring whether the countries of what can be in this critical period he said wants is] and to. Rice is the day, [Arab quartet (Arab quartet)] Egypt called, Jordan, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and the Foreign Ministers' Meeting.

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