Middle East peace process (provisional translation)

Trillion yen part of the new Middle East peace plan at 0 years to ...

Middle East peace process (provisional translation) White House the day, presented an economic support plan of Palestine. We encourage 00 billion dollars (about trillion 00 billion yen) or more of the investment in the 0 years, were set a target of increasing gross domestic production (GDP) doubled. Call for cooperation in related countries and private companies. But to seek the Palestine and Israel of peace and economic assistance to the lever, the Palestinian side is growing increasingly mistrust Trump US administration as it is Israel closer. Hurdle to the peace progress is high. Palestinian aid meeting Kushner US Senior Advisor (left) led is also aim to consolidate the unity of the countries concerned against Iran (day, FL) = Reuters Enlargement of the image Palestinian aid meeting Kushner US Senior Advisor (left) led is also aim to consolidate the unity of the countries concerned against Iran (day, FL) = Reuters Economic assistance plan is part of a new Middle East peace plan that the United States is ready. The US side, strengthened the unity of the Arab countries that have supported the Palestinians, there is also aimed at narrowing down the Iran coalition.

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