Middle East peace process (provisional translation)

Middle East peace process (provisional translation)

Middle East peace process (provisional translation) . Comprehensive solution of the Middle East conflict, is extremely important for the peace and prosperity of the region of the world. In this regard, our common purpose, continue safety is ensured and co-exist with universally approved Israel, peace, based on the construction of dignity and enjoy the prosperity self-sustainable and democratic Palestinian state, Israel / is a final settlement of the Palestinian conflict. We now have a real opportunity to advance the Middle East peace process. . We welcome the withdrawal plan from the northern part of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of Israel. To this courageous action to be successful, it is required close coordination of the parties. . It, in order to support the further reform of the economic revival and of the Palestinian Authority governance, Mr. James Wolfensohn is, as withdrawal special envoy of the Quartet, welcomed the proposed approach, to support. Wolfensohn's work are intended to complement the work on security issues of William Ward lieutenant general.

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